We live in a complex world but new technology is making it easier to navigate all the time. Our transition from the industrial age to this emergent information age might be painful for the many who don’t understand why things have already changed. Read More...
Suzy and I helped create a wondrous park at the centre of a beautiful rainforest in Costa Rica. With friends, we transformed an unusually shaped 60 acres in the “Mystic Valleys” area of the Southwest Talamanca Mountains, planting hundreds of fruit trees and plants.
In America's jungles, the jaguar is both feared and admired, depending on who's looking. Anthropologist Carlos Castaneda, an author of 10 books on the sorcery of Mexico and Central America, was given a spectacular demonstration of that noble cat's "mind-reading abilities".
There is a Chinese curse that says: “May you live in interesting times!” Its idea is that interesting times are times of change - which means they are fraught with dangers, challenges and perils.
When people digest what I went through – a traumatic car accident, the near-death experiences, a long hospitalization and permanent paralysis – they are curious about whether I was ever depressed and it if I was, what did I do about it.
You’ll recognize the deep wisdom in Nature by observing its patterns in the larger web of interactions. You’ll notice everything is interacting in 2 ways: Sequentially and Simultaneously. Sequential events require us to make "decision-tree choices". While simultaneous events demand a more intuitive way of thinking. That means "games theory choices".
So many people feel insecure and, in consequence, act negatively. The concept of security is about feeling confident when considering the future so the security needs include the attitude that accompanies actualizing our physical needs. Feeling insecure has to do with assembling a fear-based worldview. Read More...
Suzy and I just got back from the jungles of Costa Rica. This latest trip was our best ever because we spent 12 days initiating our grandsons - aged 8 and 10 - to the wonders of the rainforest.