You’ll recognize the deep wisdom in Nature by observing patterns in the larger "web of interactions". You’ll notice everything is interacting in 2 ways: Sequentially and Simultaneously. Sequential events require us to make "decision-tree choices". While simultaneous events demand a more intuitive way of thinking. That means "games theory choices".

Decision-tree choices can be plotted out logically. If this happens, we can do this or that. If the other occurs, we can do: x, y, or z. Games theory choices are predetermined by the game we play. That is predicated by the macro choice: Are you playing a finite game or the Infinite game?

There may be an infinite number of finite games but there is only one Infinite game. Finite games are determined by winning and losing. The Infinite game is determined by continuing to play the game... AKA - survival!

In the jungle, many species display higher intelligence and a capacity to use strategies that require both logic and intuitiveness. When the Jaguar stalks prey, for example, it plans every move and calculates all the options of its soon-to-be-meal. Its assumptions form an overall strategy that requires precise moves and the big cat can't afford to be wrong.

It has figured how much effort will be spent and allows for that as well; the awesome predator wastes no energy to achieve its aims - it commits to its plan and acts decisively by darting here, there and wherever its prey zigs instead of zags; and then - where the deed is done - lunch.

The ease with which Jaguars catch food is testimony to a finely-honed "psyche". Its strategic intelligence is so impressive ancient sorcerers were convinced the cat could read minds and so they suggested "not thinking" was the strategy to use if stalked by one - that or suddenly act unpredictably and unreasonably.

As we are never sure where we fit into somebody else's game plan, a preventive strategy calls on us to "
hone our psychic skills" and to be more creative. Many people don't yet realize there are a lot of ways of perceiving any given situation, or challenge. Each of them will let us arrive at its own conclusions.

Some ways of seeing are more profitable than others. Knowing how to use many thinking modes allows for the emergence of strategic ideas; it's less a matter of "what we think" and more "how we think about it".

Management experts agree that creative self-empowerment is the only sure way to gain a competitive advantage - no matter what the game others may be playing. By learning and then practicing creative thinking tools, we can evolve a more powerful personality. Creativity lets us increase our options and choices.

Peter Drucker, the undisputed guru of modern management, says:
"Success in the new information economy comes to those who know themselves - their strengths, their values - and how they best perform."

He suggests a three-pronged approach to living a life based on acquiring personal power:
  1. Concentrate on your strengths; invest your energy where you best produce results;
  2. Work on improving your strengths; self-observation will tell you where to hone or add to your skills;
  3. Discover where your intellectual arrogance causes your most disabling ignorance and work to overcome it.

Drucker says it’s, of course, necessary to remedy bad habits - i.e. things we do or fail to do that inhibit our effectiveness and performance.

He suggests we waste little time or energy improving our areas of low competence. He states that it takes more energy to move from incompetence to mediocrity than it does to go from good performance to organized excellence in areas that we are passionate about.

Then we’ll earn our daily bread as easily as the noble Jaguar seems to.