HOW the Rise of FASCISM is a THREAT to Earth and its Citizens

A tragic car accident changed my life 42 years ago. During the ordeal that followed, I broke many of the bones in my body. I was hospitalized for many months and experienced being out of my body and had visions of pure Light.

Since then, I've not had the luxury denying God ...
even if I'd wanted to.

Since that time, one of the questions I'm often asked when I get wound up to expand on the subject of God - is whether "Satan" or some sort of evil force actually exists in the world?

My short answer is – YES - ABSOLUTE EVIL DOES EXIST!

That accident changed my way of relating to God too. I now know Him as a unified field of energy - aka
pure LIGHT. He is the Master-M.I.N.D*. - *Move In New Dimensions

God's whole Nature allows no place for a universal Satan. On Earth however, evil does exist. It is the motivating force wherever there is an absence of "love". Evil exists as a component on human behaviour. Throughout the ages, the absence of love has allowed people to experience the more primitive emotions. People has acted out in extremes of anger, hatred and greed.

My ideas on evil as a force were described in a book called
The Lucifer Principle where I discovered how «evil» is distributed in human nature. Physics explains how Lucifer runs amok in the world as matter. In a highly entertaining and very readable book, Howard Bloom examines the forces in history that contributed to our primitive and bloody (or evil) past, and he identifies the presence of absolute evil on Earth today.

A renaissance thinker and brilliant writer, Bloom explains 5 concepts in history that have shaped human destiny. He calls them 1. the Genetic Replicator; 2. the Super-Organism; 3. the Meme; 4. The Neural Net; and, 5. the Pecking Order.
Bloom described the 1st idea as a particular aspect of self-organization in Nature. The genetic replicator is the bit of Nature that allows living systems - like bacteria, genes and people - to duplicate with shameless ease. The genetic replicator is a physical system capable of drawing energy from its environment to make relatively accurate copies of itself. The dynamic is described in the evolutionary notions of replication, mutation, selection, and adaptation.
Biology plays a role in the behavioural sciences much like that of physics does in the natural sciences. In the same way that Physics studies the elementary processes which underlie every system in Nature, Biology studies the general characteristics of replication. In particular, genetic replicators account for the characteristics of species and their interactions, as well as their similarities and differences in morphology, physiology and behaviour.

Just as we cannot deduce all the characteristics of natural systems such as the principles of inorganic and organic chemistry from the basic laws of physics (quantum and classic statistical mechanics), one cannot deduce the structure and dynamics of social life from basic biological principles.

The most natural setting for replicator dynamics is explained in game theory strategies. Replicators endow copies of themselves with a limited repertoire of strategic responses to environmental conditions, including information concerning the conditions under which each is to be deployed in order to respond to the character and behaviour of competing replicators.

Mutations include the replacement of past strategies by modified strategies, and the "survival of the fittest" dynamic (a replicator dynamic) ensures that replicators with more successful strategies replace those with less successful ones (Taylor and Jonker 1978).

In fact, survival of the fittest is "survival of the wisest" as observation proves.

Throughout much of the 20th century, classical population biology did not employ a game-theory framework. However, Moran (1964) showed that Fisher's Fundamental Theorem - which states that as long as there is positive genetic variance in a population, fitness increases over time - is false when more than one genetic locus is involved.

Eshel and Feldman (1984) identified the problem with the population genetic model as an abstraction from mutation. But how do we attach a fitness value to a mutant? They suggested that payoffs be modelled on game-theory at the phenotypic level, and a mutant gene be associated with a strategy in the resulting game.

With this assumption, they showed that under some restrictive conditions, Fisher's Fundamental Theorem could be true. Their results were generalized by Liberman (1988), Hammerstein and Selten (1994), Hammerstein (1996), Eshel, Feldman and Bergman (1998) and others. It turns out that - at the most fundamental levels - game theory is key to understanding evolutionary biology.
With this 1st idea, Bloom explains the facility with which Nature replicates living systems, and he tells how that makes any one of us shockingly expendable. With more than 6 billion of us on the Planet and more replicating every day, we only hear about the death of the rich and famous... the elite. But thousands who die every hour are remembered locally, for a short time - except in the mind of a few... In a universe ticking on in continuum, life and death are not big issues if wisdom prevails and replicators learn game theory strategies.

Bloom calls his 2nd concept is the rise of
the super-organism. He explains the dynamic process in which every system is a part of a larger, organizing system. We are less individualistic than we like to think.
We are not a monolithic group. We are divided by maps and races and languages and genders and belief and more. Individually, we respond to what our larger organizing bodies tell us. We've been raised by reciting to Conformism/Ostracism. Like cogs in a machine, we become parts of a social order. Larger groups tend to bury individuals by demanding group-think from members. It is uncomfortable to be labeled "el loco del barrio" - i.e. the local fool. Conform mean be like us …or go.

Our tribal genes were forged with that survival-wise demand for quick adaptation so conformism means successful cohesion to the larger world. In the jungle, ostracism from the tribe is a quick cure for many woes. It seems the Super-organism is wrong to demand mindless conformity an overwhelming part of the time. Its own survival is dependent on the collective wisdom of the whole the tribe.

Bloom's 3rd concept is called a
meme - which means "a cluster of ideas". Memes are the buzzwords that are shared by group members. Dentists have their own jargon, as do computer geeks, pilots, mechanics, sorcerers, gamers, musicians and fascists.

A psychotronic phenomenon, a meme describes the symbols and codes that bind people into groups. It's the mindset that forges gangs, cultures and cults. Memes are the collection of neural links into perceptual codes that differentiate us from them. Memes include rallying cries and slogans, theme songs and colours; flags and tee-shirts logos, and secret club rings. Memes have the power of a national anthem - and they affect and influence the ostracism fear circuits in the deeper levels of brain. At this level humans are humbled by their own perceived betters - like the pope, political prince or movie star.

Bloom's 4th idea is called the
neural net. He refers to the collection of neural pathways in the subjective brain that have developed into full-fledged paradigms that become our mirrors into the tribal mind. Bloom says there's a price to pay for our tribal hardwiring of our brains: Tribal neural nets make us easy subjects for manipulation. Our leaders are toying with our primal fear of ostracism. If you don't stand up for your National Anthem, you are instantly suspect... and scared.

If you call their banner "a rag", you stoke their group think mentality into a feeding frenzy...
and then you'll reap your just reward.

Once group-think identity is fired up, people look for cues from leaders of the larger super-organism to learn how to react. Cued, group-mind will overpower the personal mind; this because when we are afraid, we think poorly and need strong leaders to help us. The fear tactic used by manipulators and maintained to divide the tribe into "we-and-the-good-folks-with-us" and "them" and those bad people supporting them others.

Luciferian leaders
"feed us fear" so we need to be led by them.

The 5th concept is called the pecking order. Also known as the social hierarchy, the pecking order describes how power is distributed throughout Nature. It can be observed in the posturing between jackals around a carcass, or how a bear can beat a wolf out of his lunch. Weak people need strong protectors, small groups look for handouts from larger ones, poor countries heed to larger nations - i.e all through the food chain, there's pecking order.

The Rock 'n Roll song says...Everybody wants to rule the world. - and so on that pyramid of power, you'll find divisions. Take a look at the US dollar: You've got an elite pyramid ABOVE THE EYE OF GOD, and the rest of the hierarchy in a rhomboid base of the rest of the pyramid below.

In fact, it's a lot more basic than that: If a monkey decides it wants the choicest banana, it'll assert itself against others and, if successful, will join the tribe's elite - the dominants. But it'll have to keep re-asserting its position to all pretenders until it is well understood and accepted. From our hominid brain and "alpha male " grunts to our politest codes of behaviour as adopted by high society, we are divided into us and them.

It's time to shake off our old neural programs. We see the world though money, roles and social classes: Expensive divisions are maintained by our VIP group and Wannabes -vs- Them '
n theirs.

There is a huge... an immense... a colossal price to pay for supporting the ruling capitalist elite. Those people luckier who see themselves as luckier than most are receivers of so many perks, privileges, power and authority.... They can't possibly think well of others.

Their ritual practices and the right of passage guided them to ...long reign over us - and they know how to manipulate the monkey-brain templates from our tribal past. The jungle's predatory practices are used in the most civilized circles today - except now we all agree that business is business and we accept that being led by liars is the same as being well served by public officials who are honourable and professional.

Instead we allow a "
New World Order" to change national laws that allow corporations to have greater rights and freedoms than are granted to individuals. While we sleep at the switch, we are infested by a fascist 4th Reich… there is a new version of the Golden Pyramid being run now… today.

Wars ostensibly conceived to liberate and help don't… so… take a look at the complaints lodged with the United Nations to help you figure out who the top dogs and the bullies are -
both in the schoolyard and in nation building.

Take a run over to any playground and revisit your earliest life lessons on how the pecking order is developed. Then visit your community offices and look into its networks. Look at the executive clics to see how perks and privileges are being bandied about.
Perks and Privilege for the elite few that is. And then look to the minions who are us, the billions of Wannabes.

Bloom's 5 ideas explain that Nature churns out life without hesitation, and that our hardwired neural pathways account for a tendency to act barbarically:

  • Life must replicate to survive.
  • Groups survive better than individuals.
  • X, Y, Z is what defines our group from others.
  • God sides with our group and if you are not with us you must be against God and us.
  • And then... brutally:
  • A. Our group is somehow being oppressed by them... and so we must exercise our God-given right to defend ourselves
  • B. And then… Attack them.

Bloom also explains why group-think concentrates might and power into anyone who manipulates those 5 ideas. History shows us that every group's fortunes change over time though. Bloom says this reveals why a government's foreign policies are so often wrong.

Recent Global events will certainly confirm his thesis. When people are faced with an uncertain future, they will more easily surrender their individual rights to group-think and strongman leaders.

Fear makes people come together for protection we gel more quickly into a mob. And that mob will elect a Film-Flam Man every time.

Then the mob spills out into the street to riot… like after the home team loses a match, or when we scream for bloody revenge to right some wrong or end a sufferance, or when we want expel someone or erase or demean others who seem different and thus are more frightening to us: Then we are embodying
The Lucifer Principle. We are the evil force… motivated.
Individuals who feel overwhelmed by primitive emotion (e-motion is energy-in-motion) can be driven by mob-memes to commit atrocities.

My next blog entry => Fascism: A cult of authority
The fear of chaos is a powerful idea. Conscious or not, plenty of people subscribe to fascist memes. But understand this above all else: Fascism is first just fascist thinking by people… by individuals who are reacting to fear's "fight-or-fright" syndrome. Aggressor hormones link ideas contained in aggressor neural nets. As a reaction to fear, fascist thinkers crave authority and order. Power over others is the only way to feel safe. We must fix the chaos we perceive.